Jan 4, 2013

Back to Blogging & January Get Organized Checklist

Happy New Year!

I have neglected this blog for well over a year but as part of my 2013 Resolutions, I will be much more active on here - hopefully blogging at least once a day.

Other resolutions I have are:
  • Be Healthier (do yoga, be more active, eat healthier and take my vitamins)
  • Improve my self (go further in my career, be the best "me" for myself, my family and my friends, quit the negativity)
  • Be More Creative (Blog more, Do more DIYs, take more pictures, and bake/cook more often)
  • Have a much cleaner, organized home (not too hard as I have OCD!)..and budget!
As part of my last resolution, I found a great started Get Organized Checklist for January (see below) from the Creative Organizing Blog (link to direct post: http://creativeorganizingblog.simplify101.com/2012/01/your-january-get-organized-checklist.html).

If you take a look at the checklist, it has some great starters such as letting go of any holiday decorations that didn't come out of storage this year. Not only is that a great way to make room for the new by getting rid of the old but it helps to declutter your life (which helps declutter your brain!). If you visit the full post on the site, she breaks down each of the listed items in more detail.

What items would you add to this checklist?